Winter Training Program

True to form, it’s two days before the start of the new year, and four days before the start of our winter training program, and I realize that I haven’t really told anyone about it. So! If you need a little accountability and/or social engagement through the winter to keep sane or motivated, look no further. This year I made it sport-specific, so there are options for Nordic skiing, backcountry skiing, and base training for running. Spring comes fast, and it’s easy to put events or adventures on the calendar and then realize you haven’t actually done the training for them because you’ve been playing in the snow instead (or maybe that’s just me…). Regardless, this eight-week program will keep the fitness you built over the fall, maintain specific strength, and if you’re a runner, give you enough time in your shoes that it won’t be a massive shock to your system when you head to the desert or simply jump back into running when the ground thaws (or drains as the case may be).

Like all our programs, you get a training plan, zoom calls, weekly emails, coach and community support through our Slack channels. Happy new year and happy training!


Loup Loup Skimo Results


Wednesday Night Uphill